At the moment, the Prime Minister’s announcement of changes to the lockdown does not introduce any significant changes for Dragonfly Consulting. Our team will continue to work from home but are able to undertake all site-based work with appropriate precautions.
We will be taking the same individual approach to considering the noise and vibration assessment needs of each site to determine if measurements can be undertaken or if a prediction-based approach is required in order to determine noise and vibration impacts.
As we see use of the roads increase, this will enable an increasing number of sites to be assessed using real time noise measurement. However, for city centre locations and particularly where the evening and night-time noise environment is driven by the night-time economy, it is unlikely that assessment by measurement will be suitable for those sites until we see wider changes over the coming weeks.
Many new development projects are progressing despite the current challenges in the planning system, so please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss how your site can be progressed.
For those construction and manufacturing environments, either returning to work or continuing to operate with changes to layouts and working practices, our team can quickly and safely help our clients establish if those changes affects current occupational noise and vibration controls.
Please get in touch @ or call us on 01904 898368